0 – 10MM

0 - 10MM

Quality Specification

Name | Group: Sedimentary GREYWACKE
Strength: Strong (50 Mpa – 100 Mpa), broken along fracture plane
Stability : Stable in water – No changes (Grade 1)


This measure is often referred to as rock ash. This size is the softest, and its particle size resembles soft sand. This size split stone is highly sought after for various processes such as paving, making culverts, making brick presses, or it may also be used as a substitute for sand.

This size is also known as a 3/8 cm split stone. This size is widely used for mixtures in the process of paving roads, from light roads to class 1 roads. Split stones of this size are to be mixed with asphalt into mixed plant asphalt, or also known as hot mixed asphalt.